Blockchain Cheese

Blockchain Cheese is a marketing and branding agency focused on the blockchain industry.

​The core team members have rich experience in user growth and brand PR in the Internet industry and blockchain industry.

​As an integrated marketing services provider , we are committed to providing you with quality services.



The team was founded in 2020 and the CEO has 7 years of experience in marketing and user growth in the internet and blockchain industry. 

2017-2020 Worked as CMO at Jemoo and successfully achieved 300W+ users, becoming one of the most popular platforms for blockchain enthusiasts in China at that time. The business partner has 3 years of experience in Blockchain marketing and is good at tapping into customer needs and helping customers achieve effective marketing.

Other core members all have more than 2 years of experience in blockchain industry and are familiar with the operation mode of exchange, capital, project and media. They are good at formulating marketing strategies according to project characteristics and needs to achieve diversified brand exposure and effect conversion.

200+ Projects

In the past 2 years, we have served more than 200 globals projects and platforms, including CEX, Polkadot Eco Project, DeFi Project, Gamefi, DEX, NFT projects and platforms, etc. 

Provide them with branding and user growth services such as marketing campaign planning, offline meeting, media article writing and promotion, community promotion, community operation, influencers cooperation, etc.

Blockchain Cheese Team





Pika Che

Business Partner


Market Analyst



Mie Che






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